
“Kendra Foley is a passionate and effective advocate for the children and families of Watertown. She cares deeply about the Watertown schools and she makes a difference every day.”

State Senator Will Brownsberger

Excellence and Equity

An excellent and equitable education for all students

Effective Communication

Effective communication that engages and informs

Thoughtful Budgeting

Proactive, equitable and transparent budget planning

Building for the Future

Investment in state of the art facilities

Building for the Future

Over the last 5 years, Watertown has made transformative investments in our school buildings. We have three new elementary schools and are breaking ground on a new high school in the fall of 2023. This work involves the entire community and takes time, commitment and collaboration.

Excellent and Equitable Education for all Students

Watertown is a culturally and socio-economically diverse district. 40% of students’ first language is not English, 44% of students are non-white and 36% are low income. Our diversity is a strength as we prepare our students for post-secondary success. It can also be challenging as educators work hard to meet diverse student needs. It is our goal to meet each student where they are and provide what they need to succeed. That means additional academic support or challenge, new educational pathways, high quality instruction, aligned curriculum, social/emotional connection and mental health support, language acquisition support, and understanding the impacts and implications of structural racism.


Involved families are crucial to student success. In Watertown, families receive consistent communication from the Superintendent, principals, teachers and the School Committee. A key area of growth is communication with the 80% of Watertown residents who don’t have kids in the schools. Watertown students accomplish amazing things and we need to tell their stories.

Thoughtful Budgeting

Budgets are moral documents and a reflection of our values and priorities. Over the past eight years, we have invested in the things that impact our students - school buildings, athletic fields, growing the art, music and theater programs, competitive educator salaries and benefits, professional development, curriculum upgrades, educational coaches, a Spanish program at the elementary level, additional English Language educators as our non-English speaking population has grown, and much more. Change takes investment and we will continue to invest in the areas that most support the needs of our students.

Images of the new Watertown High School, scheduled to be completed in April of 2026.