I’m running for re-election to the School Committee because I love my community and believe in the power and promise of public education. I have served on the Watertown School Committee for eight years; the last two years as Chair.

Progress takes hard work, forward thinking, and collaboration. Although we may not always agree, it is important to work together as we center the needs of our students.

Kendra Foley, photograph
As a fellow WPS Parent, I enthusiastically support Kendra Foley’s re-election to the School Committee. Kendra is an amazing advocate for Watertown’s students and has worked tirelessly to ensure they are supported as we transition to brand new state-of-the-art facilities.
— State Representative Steve Owens

My Accomplishments

School Committee is a team sport. Members work together to make progress on behalf of students. Each member brings value to the whole. Over the last eight years on the School Committee, I have:

  • Chaired the School Committee for the last two years

  • Served as the Chair of the Budget and Finance Subcommittee for six years

  • Chaired the committee that hired the Superintendent

  • Led successful contract negotiations with the WEA

  • Spearheaded community advocacy for a new high school

  • Chaired the committee to change the high school logo

  • Served on the Athletics, Buildings and Grounds, and Budget and Finance subcommittees

I’m proud of the work we have done together!

  • Advocated for and received strong budget increases each year to support our schools. 

  • Carefully allocated funding to positively impact the quality of teaching and learning for our students.

  • Partnered with the City to build three new elementary schools over the last five years.

  • Partnered with the City and the State to build a new high school in Watertown - the second LEED Platinum 4.0, Zero Net Energy high school in the country!

  • Focused time and resources on creating a rigorous and equitable education for all kids. 

  • Hired and retained an excellent Superintendent.

And, we have more to do. Please give me one of your three votes for School Committee on November 7th.

Plan to vote for Kendra? Let us know here.

Hosmer Elementary School, Watertown, MA 02472
The new Hosmer Elementary School, completed in early 2022.

My goals

Excellence and Equity

An excellent and equitable education for all students

Effective Communication

Effective communication that engages and informs

Thoughtful Budgeting

Proactive, equitable and transparent budget planning

Building for the Future

Investment in state of the art facilities